Life Mastery Designs is a consulting company that offers vibrant new directions for individual and corporate clients ready to "think outside of the box" and to create what really matters. Our primary consultant uses Feng Shui, the ancient art of placement and design, to open up whole new pathways of understanding. In this way, individuals and organizations recreate their environment to bring about the dynamic results they desire.

"If we do not change our direction, we are
likely to end up where we are headed."
-Chinese proverb

Life Mastery Designs engages life experiences that reflect personal energy flowing in its most effortless and direct path toward creating what matters. We believe our environments can be agents for transformation. Using the ancient wisdom of placement and life enhancing design, energy is synchronized with nature's own creative power. Our work for you provides the vitality needed to reclaim life and express your greatest potential.

(Pronounced fung shway)

Feng Shui decodes the silent dialogue between humans and their surroundings. It directs us along life's course.

"Feng Shui is a study that puts to use all existing knowledge
to choose, to create, and to construct the most ideal working and
living environments that will satisfy and enhance the human need."
-Professor Lin Yun

"Think of this new idea as the ultimate marriage
of the east and west—the Dalai Lama meets Martha Stewart,
presented in a tidy consulting bundle."
-Fast Company Magazine

"The theory behind Feng Shui is that a life force flows
through all things—buildings, hills, rivers, power lines,
people—and the manipulation of the force through the proper
orientation of physical structures can enhance a person's luck,
wealth, and good health…The first rule of real estate
may one day read, 'location, location, Feng Shui.' "
-New York Times