Contact JoAnne for further information about Feng Shui Consultations; Training Programs; Feng Shui Related Services, Products and Gift Certificates at the following:

JoAnne Flaming, M.S.
Design Strategist / Feng Shui Consultant

voice: 816-674-8288
fax: 816-584-0382


Contact Duane for further information about his book or services at the following:

Duane Flaming, M.S.W.
voice: 816-304-6699
fax: 816-584-0382

Life Mastery Designs
Post Office Box 901694
Kansas City, MO 64190


"No revolution in outer things is possible without
prior revolution in one's inner way of being. Whatever change
you aspire to in your affairs must be preceded by a change in
an active deepening and strengthening of your resolve to
meet every event with equanimity, detachment, and innocent
goodwill. When this spiritual poise is achieved within,
magnificent things are possible without."
-The I Ching or Book of Change: A Guide to Life's Turning Points by Brian Browne Walker